Every year we let our campers make buttons with their names/nickanmes and one related to our camp theme, and we’d hate to have a summer with out our button making! While it may be a bit more involved this year, we would love to send our campers their camp buttons!!
How this activity is going to work:
1) Download the button template below and print it out
2) Have campers draw on the printed template, one name/nickname badge, and one ‘camp at home’/’surviving the pandemic’ theme button (make sure they are camp appropriate)
3) Take a nice overhead photo or scan a copy of the button art
4) Email [email protected] with your campers name, mailing address, and attach the photo or scan of your button art
5) Later this summer recieve your camp buttons in the mail! (And maybe some other fun CQN goodies or additional buttons made in other up coming activities!!)
6) Optional: share with us your final creations on our Facebook page or #CQNorth2020 on instagram
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