
Camp Quest provides an educational adventure shaped by fun, friends, and freethought featuring science, natural wonder, and humanist values.

Values We Teach

  • Friendship & Community

  • Natural Wonder & Environmental Sustainability

  • Scientific Inquiry & Critical Thinking

  • Empathy & Compassion

  • Responsibility & Integrity


  • Develop supportive communities for freethinking families

  • Foster curiosity, scientific inquiry, and critical thinking in young people to enable them to draw their own conclusions

  • Cultivate reason and empathy as foundations of an ethical, productive and fulfilling life

  • Provide a safe and fun environment for personal and social growth

  • Encourage exploration of the natural world

  • Promote open dialogue that is marked by challenging each other’s ideas while treating each other with respect

  • Raise awareness of positive contributions made by atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, and other nontheistic people to our society

  • Demonstrate atheism and humanism as positive, family-friendly